Numeric Tools:
To test if a Variant Object is Numeric use:
- bIsNumeric (Returns Boolean)
- ConvertTestToNumber (Returns Double - ok to use for Currency)
- IdentifyStringType(Returns String)
bIsNumeric(Variant) as Boolean
Function bIsNumeric(myString As Variant) As Boolean
Dim iLoop As Long
'Set Defaults:
myString = Trim(myString)
bIsNumeric = True
'Validate: Ensure that there is a valid year entered before proceding
sNumberTest = "0123456789"
'Set Boolean to False if value to test is blank
If myString = "" Then GoTo SetBooleanToFalse
'Set Boolean to False if length of string is 0 (overkill - should already be re-directed if "")
If Len(myString) = 0 Then GoTo SetBooleanToFalse
'Loop through each character in the text box - test to make sure it is numeric
For iLoop = 1 To Len(myString)
If InStr(1, sNumberTest, Mid(myString, iLoop, 1), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then GoTo SetBooleanToFalse
Next iLoop
Exit Function
'One of the tests eliminated this value as a valid numeric value. Set it to false
bIsNumeric = False
Exit Function
End Function
Dim iLoop As Long
'Set Defaults:
myString = Trim(myString)
bIsNumeric = True
'Validate: Ensure that there is a valid year entered before proceding
sNumberTest = "0123456789"
'Set Boolean to False if value to test is blank
If myString = "" Then GoTo SetBooleanToFalse
'Set Boolean to False if length of string is 0 (overkill - should already be re-directed if "")
If Len(myString) = 0 Then GoTo SetBooleanToFalse
'Loop through each character in the text box - test to make sure it is numeric
For iLoop = 1 To Len(myString)
If InStr(1, sNumberTest, Mid(myString, iLoop, 1), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then GoTo SetBooleanToFalse
Next iLoop
Exit Function
'One of the tests eliminated this value as a valid numeric value. Set it to false
bIsNumeric = False
Exit Function
End Function
ConvertTextToNumber(Variant) as Double
Function ConvertTextToNumber(myString As Variant) As Double
'Converts ANY string to a number by multiplying by 1. Will return [0] when ANY error is encountered.
ConvertTextToNumber = 0
On Error GoTo ThisDidntWorkSoDoNotConvert
ConvertTextToNumber = myString * 1
End Function
'Converts ANY string to a number by multiplying by 1. Will return [0] when ANY error is encountered.
ConvertTextToNumber = 0
On Error GoTo ThisDidntWorkSoDoNotConvert
ConvertTextToNumber = myString * 1
End Function
IdentifyStringType(Variant) as String
Function IdentifyStringType(vMyInput As Variant) As String
Dim iLoop As Long, iLenPre As Long, iLenPost As Long, sTemp As String
'Load the string and take a snapshot of the length
sTemp = vMyInput
iLenPre = Len(sTemp)
'Skip the review process for 0 length strings
If iLenPre = 0 Then GoTo gNoString
'Loop through all 10 digits and remove them from the string
For iLoop = 0 To 9
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, iLoop, "", , , vbTextCompare)
Next iLoop
'Take a snapshot of the length AFTER replacement of numeric values
iLenPost = Len(sTemp)
'Mark "Numeric" if there are no Alpha Characters
If iLenPost = 0 Then GoTo gAllNumbers
'Mark "Alpha" if there are no Numeric Characters
If iLenPre = iLenPost Then GoTo gAllAlpha
'If it gets this far, the string is a mix of ALPHA + NUMERIC
GoTo gMixed
IdentifyStringType = "Blank"
Exit Function
IdentifyStringType = "Numeric"
Exit Function
IdentifyStringType = "Alpha"
Exit Function
IdentifyStringType = "Mixed"
Exit Function
End Function
Dim iLoop As Long, iLenPre As Long, iLenPost As Long, sTemp As String
'Load the string and take a snapshot of the length
sTemp = vMyInput
iLenPre = Len(sTemp)
'Skip the review process for 0 length strings
If iLenPre = 0 Then GoTo gNoString
'Loop through all 10 digits and remove them from the string
For iLoop = 0 To 9
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, iLoop, "", , , vbTextCompare)
Next iLoop
'Take a snapshot of the length AFTER replacement of numeric values
iLenPost = Len(sTemp)
'Mark "Numeric" if there are no Alpha Characters
If iLenPost = 0 Then GoTo gAllNumbers
'Mark "Alpha" if there are no Numeric Characters
If iLenPre = iLenPost Then GoTo gAllAlpha
'If it gets this far, the string is a mix of ALPHA + NUMERIC
GoTo gMixed
IdentifyStringType = "Blank"
Exit Function
IdentifyStringType = "Numeric"
Exit Function
IdentifyStringType = "Alpha"
Exit Function
IdentifyStringType = "Mixed"
Exit Function
End Function