Christian Boarding School and Counseling for Troubled Teens - Located in Texas
Heartlight Ministries is a year-round residential therapeutic program that helps teenagers begin living a more fulfilling and less self-destructive lifestyle.
Heartlight provides a safe and loving environment for teens with full-time watchful care, ongoing counseling and mentoring, along with therapeutic activities and school studies. Heartlight also helps free help to parents find other other such programs if Heartlight is full or not the right fit. |
Trouble Teenager Warning Signs
1. Your teen refuses to abide by anything you say or request, and his or her resulting behaviors put your teen or your family in danger or high risk leading to constant fear or stress in the home.
2. Your teen is displaying behavior that is a marked change from what has been normal (sleeping little or too long, forgetfulness, lack of motivation, aggression, depression, anxiety, grades slipping, hating what they once loved or loving what they once hated, always wanting to be with friends or away from home, or avoiding friends altogether and spending too much time alone). 3. Your teen has become increasingly disrespectful, dishonest, disobedient and openly displays rebellion, no longer veiling his or her feelings or caring about the consequences. 4. There is a blatant ignorance or profound rebellion toward the boundaries, Belief System or rules of the home. This can be shown in passive aggressiveness or open defiance that is unusually excessive for your teen. 5. There are outright or veiled threats of suicide, or self-mutilation/cutting, excessive risk-taking, dangerous drug use or blatant sexual promiscuity--seemingly a loss of a conscience or moral compass. 6. Treatment by your teen of people, pets, or belongings is threatening or out of control. 7. Your teen thinks he or she is the center of your family and shows blatant disregard for the feelings of other family members, their time or their possessions. 8. Months of counseling is providing little or no positive progress for your teen. 9. Your teen refuses to do anything with the family and displays a growing hatred for the family. 10. You cannot keep your teen away from peers who are obviously leading a lifestyle counter to your beliefs and your teen is buying into their destructive behavior and attitudes. |