The Character of a man: Job 29:11-17 [NLT]

Job is not making his statements with an attitude of hubris, but with an attitude of humility.
These verses list the deeds that he has done - the result of these deeds is that it produces a specific type of man. A man who is empathetic to the needs of others. A man of action, not intention. A man to be admired and honored - not because of his own accomplishments - but for the difference he has made in the lives of others.
These verses list the deeds that he has done - the result of these deeds is that it produces a specific type of man. A man who is empathetic to the needs of others. A man of action, not intention. A man to be admired and honored - not because of his own accomplishments - but for the difference he has made in the lives of others.
- v. 12 - This involves personal sacrifice of time and treasure
- v. 13 - "(he) helped those who lost hope" - Enter the tag "Suicide" in Tumblr and then find a way to apply this verse. The impact you might have could save a life.
- v. 14 - These attributes can only be achieved through the deliberate, intentional choices we make on a daily basis. (The "little" things!)
- v. 15 - A simple and easy thing to accomplish that can have a very profound result. While simple, it requires great effort because one must turn the attention from yourself and focus on the needs of others. A very difficult task that will never happen by "accident".
- v. 16 - Helping those that may be undeserving - even people who may be your enemy.
- v. 17 - Don't believe the lie that you should never fight - there is a time to do so. There is a time to be a champion for those who are unable to fight for themselves.