Am I living intentionally?
Am I seeking God’s will for my life? Proverbs 3:5-6
Am I allowing God to permeate every area of my life or are there areas I still have not given up control?
· Job/Career (Titus 2:9-10)
o Integrity - Do the decisions I make honor God?
o Motive – Money, Position or Fulfilling the reason God placed me there?
o Witness – Am I sharing the Gospel with co-workers (words and/or deeds)?
· Spouse
o Am I loving my wife as Christ loved the Church? Sacrificially?
o I Corinthians 13:4-7 – am I struggling to love my wife in any of these areas?
· Dating
o Am I staying sexually pure in my relationship with my girlfriend?
o Do I establish Godly habits in our relationship (Church, devotions, etc.)
· Fatherhood (I Timothy 3:4-5, 4:12 / Proverbs 22:6)
o Am I training my children? Do I teach them Gods laws?
o Am I modeling Godly behavior? Do I practice what I preach?
· Friends (I Timothy 4:12-13 / Titus 2:12)
o Am I leading them TO Christ or AWAY from Christ?
· Possessions (I Timothy 6:18 / Titus 1:8 / I Timothy 3:2)
o Am I using them selfishly or using them to minister to others?
§ House:
§ Pool:
§ Boat
§ 56” Plasma TV
§ Car
· Quiet Time
o Do I purposely schedule time to read/study/pray or “Get to it if I can”
o Am I looking for Gods Commands? (Psalm 119)
o Am I applying it to my life? (James 1:23)
o Am I journaling so I don’t forget what God is doing in my life? (Jer. 30:2)
o Am I comparing my struggles to Scripture to find a solution? (Acts 17:11)
o Do I truly trust Jesus or am I just going through the motions?
o Am I rightly dividing the Word of Truth? (II Timothy 2:15)
· Transparency (James 5:16 / Hebrews 3:13)
o When I struggle, do I share it with my accountability partners?
o When I sin, do I confess it first to God, then to my brothers?
· Triggers (II Timothy 2:22)
o Do I recognize what causes me to repeat the same sin over and over?
· Gods Presence
Have I ever experienced the presence of God? (Relationships go 2 ways)
Am I seeking God’s will for my life? Proverbs 3:5-6
Am I allowing God to permeate every area of my life or are there areas I still have not given up control?
· Job/Career (Titus 2:9-10)
o Integrity - Do the decisions I make honor God?
o Motive – Money, Position or Fulfilling the reason God placed me there?
o Witness – Am I sharing the Gospel with co-workers (words and/or deeds)?
· Spouse
o Am I loving my wife as Christ loved the Church? Sacrificially?
o I Corinthians 13:4-7 – am I struggling to love my wife in any of these areas?
· Dating
o Am I staying sexually pure in my relationship with my girlfriend?
o Do I establish Godly habits in our relationship (Church, devotions, etc.)
· Fatherhood (I Timothy 3:4-5, 4:12 / Proverbs 22:6)
o Am I training my children? Do I teach them Gods laws?
o Am I modeling Godly behavior? Do I practice what I preach?
· Friends (I Timothy 4:12-13 / Titus 2:12)
o Am I leading them TO Christ or AWAY from Christ?
· Possessions (I Timothy 6:18 / Titus 1:8 / I Timothy 3:2)
o Am I using them selfishly or using them to minister to others?
§ House:
§ Pool:
§ Boat
§ 56” Plasma TV
§ Car
· Quiet Time
o Do I purposely schedule time to read/study/pray or “Get to it if I can”
o Am I looking for Gods Commands? (Psalm 119)
o Am I applying it to my life? (James 1:23)
o Am I journaling so I don’t forget what God is doing in my life? (Jer. 30:2)
o Am I comparing my struggles to Scripture to find a solution? (Acts 17:11)
o Do I truly trust Jesus or am I just going through the motions?
o Am I rightly dividing the Word of Truth? (II Timothy 2:15)
· Transparency (James 5:16 / Hebrews 3:13)
o When I struggle, do I share it with my accountability partners?
o When I sin, do I confess it first to God, then to my brothers?
· Triggers (II Timothy 2:22)
o Do I recognize what causes me to repeat the same sin over and over?
· Gods Presence
Have I ever experienced the presence of God? (Relationships go 2 ways)